Draw Better, Faster!
When you sign up for my newsletter I’ll do 2 things:
- I’ll send you a PDF titled 3 Ways to Improve as an Artist. It’ll help you take better reference photos, which is often one of the first steps we take as artists.
A local artist, Teresa, told me, “Every artist...needs this free ebook...so many of us beginner and intermediate painters still struggle with how to take and use our photos to make a good composition.” - I’ll send you my newsletters every 2 weeks, filled with ideas to help you draw better, faster, and enrich your creativity.
One of my subscribers recently told me, “I...was encouraged by your advice to slow down, get in the large shape first with three lines, and to proceed with careful observation from the biggest shapes first to the smaller ones. Thank you, Lauren, I am already reaping the benefits of your instruction.”
So what’re you waiting for?
- I’ll send you a PDF titled 3 Ways to Improve as an Artist. It’ll help you take better reference photos, which is often one of the first steps we take as artists.
© 2024 Lauren Ball, Illustrator
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